If you’re a fan of space-based MMORPGs (that’s Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game to the uninitiated), then you will love EVE. It’s about as MASSIVE as you can get in a MMORPG. Over a hundred IBM bladecenter servers and RAMSANs power the single immense gameworld. A huge galaxy with over 5,000 individual systems. Many systems have multiple moons, asteroid and ice fields, and stations, so there’s ALWAYS something to do.
A persistent universe, your character continues training even when you’re not online, and the graphics have to be seen to be believed.

As you can see, the graphics are truly extraordinary. As long as you have a good video card, you’ll have plenty of eye candy.
Even more amazing, all this goodness can be played over a 56k internet connection. That’s right. If you’re stuck on dial-up internet, you can still play EVE.
Check it out. Go to this link to get a free 14-day trial. Comment and let me know what you think.
HaHa, yeah, EVE owns your soul, and jeff’s too!!! But i can’t say much, SRO has me by the balls, LOL.