Macaroni & Cheese

The Blue Box of HappinessGrowing up, one of the staples around our house was Mac&Cheese. Not just any M&C, but the blue box kind. You know what I’m talking about. The kind that starts with “K”, and ends with “T”. Ok, ok, I’ll say it…Kraft. There, now they’ll probably sue me. But anyway, I ate so much of this beautiful blue box of goodness, my grandpa would say, “Boy, you’re going to turn into a big noodle one day.” And oddly enough, that didn’t bother me.

So I went off to college, and low-and-behold, I realized that the blue box would save my life! Cheap food = good. Between M&C and ramen, I made it through college not too undernourished. In fact, I still eat it quite often, and seem to have passed the blue box syndrome on to at least one of my boys.

As good as it is, though, it could be better. So, today, I’m going to share my “recipe” to make the blue box even better. It adds no more than a few cents to the price, too. I put that in because I’ve seen how some people leave the cheese powder out, and put Velveeta, or even stinky-foot-cheese (no accounting for taste in some people) in their M&C. To me, that’s going a little overboard. If you’re going to do something that fancy, just make the stuff from scratch. My way, though, is quick and easy.

First, you put some water onto boil as you normally would. I like to add a little Kosher or table salt to the water (about 1 TBL or so), but it’s not strictly necessary. When the water’s boiling good, open your box, and pour in the macaroni. I know it sounds stupid, but remember to pull the cheese pouch out first. You don’t know how many times in college I heard someone scream from another room because they dumped their cheese pouch into the pot of boiling water, and reached in to grab it. Of course, we’re talking about college guys, here, not the top of the brain game. Watch the macaroni to prevent boil-over and remember to stir it occasionally.

Anyway, while the macaroni is boiling get out a medium sized bowl and into it put 2 TBL butter or margarine, and one slice of American cheese. That’s right, a slice of cheese. I definitely prefer American, but you can substitute any favorite cheese, as long as it melts easy, and creamy. Sharp cheddar doesn’t work well for this. Too many lumps. Cut up the butter and cheese into pieces. This makes it warm up faster and melt easier. As an alternative, you can leave them out for about 20-30 minutes before you start cooking to get them up to room temperature, but I’m too impatient for that crap.

Once the macaroni is done (you’ll know by fishing a noodle out of the water and eating it), take the pot off the burner, put the pot’s lid on, and drain the macaroni as much as possible. DON’T BURN YOURSELF !!! If you do, don’t bother suing me, since we don’t have anything but Mac&Cheese. Once the water has dripped to nothing, pour the macaroni into the bowl over the butter and cheese.

Now, stir the macaroni, butter, and cheese until the butter and cheese are completely melted, and blended well.

Next, pour in about half a can of Carnation Evaporated Milk. I love this stuff for cooking. Since it’s in a can, it keeps forever. I don’t have to worry about it spoiling, spontaneously gaining sentience, and bolting away when I try to cook it. Umm, not that it’s ever happened before, of course. So anyway, use the small 5 oz. cans. Any evaporated milk will do, I just like Carnation. Since it’s basically concentrated milk, it makes the M&C richer and creamier.

Once you’ve poured about half the can in there, open up that wonderful cheesy happy powder pouch, and pour it into the bowl. Stir it in slowly, making sure to get the cheese distributed evenly. Depending on how much water you left in the macaroni, you may need to add a little more evaporated milk to get it just right. What’s ‘just right’, you say? Well, how should I know? What do you like? If you like lots of cheese sauce going all over the place, put the whole can in. I usually end up using about 3/4 of the can. You can refrigerate the rest, throw it out, drink it, throw it at neighborhood kids, or whatever.

Now for the best part. If you did it right, there should be a little bit of gooey cheese powder on the spoon. Lick it off. Oh my. Good, isn’t it?

There! A big, steaming bowl of cheesy goodness guaranteed to lighten your day. Eat it all. Don’t save any for anyone else. You made it, you eat it!

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Bacon Salt!

OK, I was listening to the Otaku Generation podcast this morning, and the first 15 minutes or so was devoted to Bacon Salt.  Now, I’ve heard these guys talk about Bacon Salt before, but this was the be-all-end-all Bacon Salt discussion.  They went on and on about the stuff. 

In short, Bacon Salt is bacon-flavored salt.  That’s right, you can make anything taste like bacon.  Actually, they made me quite hungry just talking about it.  The possibilities are nearly endless.  And after all, bacon DOES make anything taste better. Heh.  Imagine, bacon-flavored bacon.  It’s enough to make your blood pressure skyrocket just thinking about it.  It seems that the guys that make the stuff heard that the OG crew had talked about them in the show, and sent them a sampler pack.   They went crazy, apparently.  Still, it’s an interesting concept.  I might just order some, if wifey will let me.  🙂

 Don’t know why I had to post this, but dang-it, I was calling out “Bacon Salt!” all day.  It actually made my day a happier one.  Go figure.

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Happy 2008, everyone!

Wishing everyone a happy new year.  I hope 2008 is as good as 2007 was.

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Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone!  Hope you were blessed this holiday season. 

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Christmas is on the way

Sooo, I dressed my avatar in something more suitable.  If you want a cool looking avatar like that, all you have to do is click on the Gaia Online link in the sidebar.  Gaia Online has been around since 2003.  I’ve been a member since nearly the beginning, though I’ve missed some of the promotional items.  Still, it’s a truly GIGANTIC community.  You’ll find people with many different interests.

Unfortunately, they’ll all be thirteen.  Still, I was there first, so they can kiss my a…uhh, they can put up with me.

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Science Fiction & Fantasy from Baen Books – Home Page

Science Fiction & Fantasy from Baen Books – Home Page

I’ve talked about Baen Books in passing before, but I thought I’d  devote a whole post to them.  Baen Books has been my favorite publisher for years.  Their stable of authors has included some of my all time favorite SciFi/Fantasy authors.  Mercedes Lackey, David Weber, and more recently John Ringo and others have kept me entertained for years.  Baen has always been a progressive publisher, but with the rise of ebooks, they’ve catapulted into readership stardom.  Check out what people are saying about them on…Link to Reviews.

The biggest thing about Baen Books’ ebooks that push them far ahead of all other publishers, is the fact their ebooks are released DRM-free, with no restrictions on who you can lend them to, or any other encumbrance.   Additionally, the ebooks cost LESS than the print version.  When I look on Amazon or other publisher sites, the ebooks always cost the same or MORE than the printed version of a book I’m wanting to buy.  What foolishness is this???  Ebooks are cheaper to distribute.  They shouldn’t cost MORE than a book that costs much more to make!  Also, Baen books pays higher royalties to authors for ebooks.  That’s right, they pay MORE to an author for a book that costs LESS to produce.  Of all current publishers, it appears that Baen is the only one being run by people with some common sense.

I’m a devoted reader of their ebooks, and in fact I own every current Webscription month.  I go to the local public library, and I still buy paper books, but every month, I pay $15, and get FOUR to SIX currently released novels.   Try to do that with Del Rey, Tor, or any other publisher.  Won’t happen.  With their ebooks priced at around $8 (the same price as a paperback), you’ll only get two for that price.  And they’ll be locked down to one device/computer, with DRM dripping from the seams.

All-in-all, Baen Books is my favorite publisher, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.

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Kindle A nice product idea marred by absolute stupidity…

I want to love the Kindle.  Just as I wanted to love the Sony eReader.  But when I see what’s actually come out of Amazon’s labs, I want to scream.  Does anyone that designs these things actually have a real life and job?  Or do they all make a million dollars a year, and read NOTHING?   Every one of these “ereaders” that have hit the market the past couple of years have been long on gimmicks, and short on practicality.  It seems that no one wants to design an ereader for wide adoption.  Everything seems to only be designed for a niche market.

First, the positives (yes, there are a few):

  1.  It uses e-ink.  Like the Sony product, the Kindle uses e-ink (or as Amazon calls it, electronic paper).  This means long battery life, and much better contrast, for a better reading experience.  The best thing about e-paper is that it doesn’t use ANY power except to change the image.  So you can leave the device on for hours, and it won’t use any power until you turn the page.
  2. It has built-in EVDO.  This means you can download books and stuff directly to the device through the cell phone network.  Well, a proprietary part of it, anyway.
  3. It has a built-in keyboard.  Some may see this as a negative, but I think it’s a positive.

And, now the negatives (of which there are many):

  1. IT’S $400!  I think that’s the biggest downside.  This thing is way more expensive than it should be.  For widespread adoption, the price needs to fall in the $50-$100 range.  $400?   Only the real gadget geeks will buy it.  It MAY make money, but not a lot.  How can any device manufacturer hope to gain widespread use if you overprice your major markets?
  2.  The only wireless is EVDO.  This may be a positive, but it’s also a major negative.  Amazon, not everyone lives in an urban area.  Not all of us have EVDO access.  Some of us don’t even have good cell phone access.  Put a 802.11 g radio in there, for goodness sake!  Heck, they make T-SHIRTS with 802.11 receivers in them!
  3. No expandable storage options.  What?  No SD card slot?  What are you, Sony?  Put in a SD card slot for items we already have.  Of course, that would mean we’d have to have BOUGHT books, which leads into…
  4. DRM’d up the wazoo e-books.  Unreal.  Only one major publisher seems to get how e-books should work.   E-books should be CHEAPER than their print counterparts, due to reduced production costs.  Only Baen Books gets it.  And Amazon…good Lord, I don’t know what went through their heads, but it wasn’t intelligent thought.  Books cost as much if not more than their print counterparts.  You can’t lend them to other people.  You can’t even read them on other devices.
  5. It’s ugly, with bad ergonomics.  Not necessarily a deal-breaker, it’s nonetheless something to think about.  This device is clunky-looking, bland, and basically looks like it was designed by someone determined that they would NEVER use it.

I’m sorry, Amazon, but no matter how much I may WANT to like the Kindle, I don’t.  I might have given it a chance, but the price is out of reach for me, and I abhor your DRM scheme.  Thumbs down, way down.  If I’m going to spend $400, it’s not going to be on a uni-tasker like the Kindle, but something more like the Nokia n800, or the soon-to-be-released n810.  Now THERE’S something to spend your hard-earned salary on!

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Happy Thanksgiving!

A very Happy Thanksgiving to all my U.S. reader(s).  I hope everyone remembers what they have to be thankful for.  After all, if you’re reading this, then you are: alive, can see, can read, have access to a computer, and have access to the internet.  Any one of those are cause for thanks.

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New theme for a new age!

Ok, ok, it’s been four months since I posted.  Sorry to my one reader. HA!  As you can see, I’ve changed the theme.  I like blue better.

I’ve got some reviews coming up, as well as some other things, so stay tuned!

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A new Cube!

What should I call him, Pentacube? Anyway, welcome the newest addition to our family. Charles, say hi to the nice people!

New Cube

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